You may be hearing about how internet marketing methods are transforming businesses around the world and wondering if your business could benefit from a new marketing strategy. Or, you may already be familiar with the power of internet marketing and you need experts to refine your practices, improve your marketing campaign’s ROI and discover new ways to grow your business. Sidas Computer Systems can help you develop and implement an Internet marketing strategy that’s right for your business.
Common Sense SEO Methods
Search engine optimization used to be a simple process. Just add a few metatag keywords to your site and you were good to go! Over time, web site owners – and their developers – started abusing the system and search engines had to adjust their algorithms to generate more relevant search engine results. Metatag keywords are no longer useful. In fact, Google has ignored them for about ten years! Today, search engines reward web sites that have relevant content, have good usability and are highly visible on the internet.
We focus on making your website as relevant as possible and improving a site’s usability and visibility so rises to the top of the search engine results over time.
Our SEO Process
Here is an outline of the search engine optimization process for the web sites we develop:
- Set business goals.
- Research what keywords your potential customers are using.
- Perform a competitive analysis to refine keywords and discover potential competitive advantages.
- Establish a prioritized list of target keywords.
- Coach your copy writer on the proper way to write the content.
- Develop an architecture that will be easily spidered by search engine robots.
- Develop W3C-compliant XHTML and CSS templates.
- Add content and metadata to your site.
- Perform a thorough review of the site and make adjustments.
- Submit your site to all major search engines.
- Request reciprocal links with strategic partners.
- Run monthly reports to monitor progress with search engines, monitor traffic logs, and adjust your site as needed.
ready to talk?
Call Sidas Computer Systems now for a free Consultation at 601-529-5376 or fill out a request form.