Imagine never having to call your web designer again. If you can operate a browser and you’re familiar with Microsoft Word, you can maintain your own site.
What a CMS will do for you
Sidas Computer Systems will develop a full-featured content management system for your site that allows you to easily do many things yourself, such as…
- Change the text on any page
- Add new pages and categories
- Add photos and embed videos
- Delete pages
- Add hyperlinks
- Make updates anytime from anywhere
Powerful secure flexible
We’ll install the content management system on your web site and customize it to fit your specific needs. With our custom cms, you can….
- Log in with a secure password
- Restrict access to certain parts of the site to certain users
- View the content changes you make instantly
Incredibly Simple
Familiar with the buttons that appear at the top of Microsoft Word? Those same buttons will appear at the top of your web page. Want to make something bold? Just click the big bold “B” at the top of the page. Want to make something italic? Click the big italic “I”. Want to make something a link? Click the big… You get the picture!
We’re always ready to help
A representative of Sidas Computer Systems will come to your place of business and conduct a training session for the content management system with members of your staff. This will likely be a very short training session! Most people take one look at the interface and instantly understand how to use it.
We’ll also be on hand if you have questions or issues down the road.
Ready To Talk?
Call Sidas Computer Systems now for a free Consultation at 601-529-5376